James Bond Novel Retrospective #2 Released: 1954 Mr. Big is in the house. Even though the film adaptation wasn’t due for another 19 years, that title still makes me think of the classic song by Paul McCartney and Wings. ^^
Casino Royale
James Bond Novel Retrospective #1 Released: 1953 The unusual beginnings of a famous British spy. This post is definitely belated. It was just over a year ago, back in around December 2021 or January 2022, when I finished reading Casino
James Bond Retrospective – Intro
James Bond Retrospective #0 I have a long history with James Bond. I’ve been a fan ever since I was a kid. It’s the films I have the most familiarity with, but my gateway into the franchise was actually through
New Year’s Blog Update
Happy New Year everyone! I took a break from blogging these past few months, but as of recently I’ve been feeling inspired again, and so I hope to be more active on here throughout this year. For one thing, I
Autumn Musings
It’s that time of year again. The air outside is getting colder. The green leaves are turning gold and beginning to fall off. And of course, another spooky Halloween is nearly upon us. Halloween is my favourite holiday, and autumn
Super Mario Retrospective – Intro
Super Mario Retrospective #0 Ah, Super Mario. The game series starring the cheerful, enthusiastic Italian plumber. What’s not to love? Mario’s history For those unfamiliar, the first game Mario ever appeared in was the 1981 arcade game, Donkey Kong. Back
Tips for identifying and avoiding toxic people
This is a big departure from the entertainment and media-related reviews that I usually write, but it’s still very much a topic I’m passionate about. It’s also a special topic I wanted to tackle in honour of my 25th blog
Initial Thoughts – Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Released: 2021 When development on this was first announced, it really seemed as though it was going to be “the Ghostbusters III we wanted all along.” That was certainly their intention. And, while I am happy they returned to the
Ghostbusters Film Retrospective
“Ghost-busters!!!!” *cue catchy theme song* Despite hearing a lot about the franchise over the years, it took me a long time to get around to seeing any of it. This lasted up until around several years ago, when the 2016
Initial Thoughts: Casino Royale (1954)
I reviewed the (as of this writing) newest Bond film here. Now I will be reviewing the oldest Bond film too. Well technically, it’s a TV special. It aired as an episode of the anthology series, Climax!. Either way, the